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WIN: ORAL-B iO™ Series 9 worth £500!

ORAL-B iO™ Series 9 worth £500!

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Siddiqui, WATFORD

ORAL-B iO™ Series 9 worth £500!

There hasn’t been much to smile about in 2020, so we’ve teamed up with our friends at Oral B to spread an extra special bit of festive cheer with this Christmas.


The number 1 dentist recommended brand is giving you the chance to win the crème de la crème of electric toothbrushes, the iO™ - Oral B’s most advanced brush to date.


After 6 years of research the revolutionary Oral-B iO™ represents a new era of brushing technology, design and experience and delivers a professional clean feeling every single day. It’s proven to give you Oral B’s best ever clean as of day one, with 100% healthier gums in one week and is available from High Street retailer Boots and online via Amazon.


We have one of these amazing electric toothbrushes, worth an incredible £500, to give away to really get your pearly whites shining this festive season.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 13/01/2021.


ORAL-B iO™ Series 9 worth £500! x1