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Win a course of online tutoring sessions worth £300

Win a free course of home-based online tutoring sessions

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

J Fountain, DEESIDE

Win a free course of home-based online tutoring sessions with one of Affinity Tutors’ specialist registered tutors, worth £300

With disruptions to lessons throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers have estimated that pupils could be up to six months behind on their studies. Affinity Tutors has developed the technology to support its experience to fill this gap, offering user-friendly digital platforms to deliver a home-based learning experience that equals the quality of classroom lessons.

Once matched with a tutor, primary or secondary school pupils benefit from a classroom experience with user-friendly technology and interactive, virtual whiteboards. The live video chat feature allows tutors and pupils to talk freely and share and edit resources, including diagrams, notes and practice papers.

All tutors are fully regulated, DBS-checked and work within schools and academies so they have up-to-date curriculum knowledge. The platform is fully secure and safeguarded, with all activity tracked to ensure user safety.

Affinity Tutors is the creation of leading education recruitment specialist Affinity Workforce and has been named as an approved tuition partner on the National Tuition Programme (NTP) for the second year running, supplying tutoring to schools and online. 

To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the question below. Once a winner is chosen, Affinity Tutors will ensure your child has the perfect tutor to meet their requirements.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/10/2022.


Win a free course of home-based online tutoring sessions with one of Affinity Tutors’ specialist registered tutors, worth £300 x1