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Win the Original Bedside Crib - SnüzPod⁴.

Gift of Sleep from Snuz

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Clapperton, MORPETH

Gift of Sleep from Snuz

Get your hands on the UK’s best-selling bedside crib - SnüzPod⁴. Bursting with style and innovative features, it has been recognised for countless awards including Junior Design, Mother & Baby and a Best Buy from the Independent, it has also been trusted by more than a quarter of a million families. 

Thanks to its innovative design, for six whole months, parents can feed, soothe, and be closer to their baby for a safe bonding experience. With dual-view mesh windows and a half-height zip-down wall for easy access, parents and carers can safely be by little ones side through every yawn, wiggle, gurgle and nap. Now in its fourth generation, the SnüzPod⁴ is truly the highest standard bedside crib. The forward-thinking design boasts multiple sleep-inducing features and has safety at its core, being the first of its kind to be tested to meet the latest Bedside Crib Safety Standard in 2020. 

The ComfortAir system makes SnüzPod⁴ even more breathable. With unique surface-level air-flow vents, an air-permeable mesh liner, and improved base ventilation to increase air flow, the innovative features help regulate baby's temperature for a good night’s sleep. With truly universal appeal, it also fits more beds than any other bedside crib on the market! In addition to its ingenious features,  SnüzPod⁴ is also loved for its lightweight removable bassinet, handy reflux incline, and not to mention, stunning style and design. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 25/04/2022.


Gift of Sleep from Snuz x1