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Win the Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker, worth £129.99

Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker, worth £129.99

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

K Percival, WETHERBY

Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker, worth £129.99

T Synclair, Manchester

Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker, worth £129.99

Russell Hobbs, the famous British household appliance manufacturer has been stylishly making lives easier for households across the UK for over 65 years. Russell Hobbs sell a wide range of products from kettles and toasters through to food prep and garment care.


One of the newest additions to its range of products is the fantastic Sous Vide Slow Cooker. Sous vide translates as ‘Under Vacuum’ in French and this Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker is a guaranteed way to lock in flavour and create tasty food for the whole family. The gadget allows you to experience the very best of cooking for a range of nutritious dishes, by providing three different ways to cook with one appliance – including use of the slow cooker, sous vide and temperature probe features!


For those who aren’t familiar, the Sous Vide is a method of cooking food inside a sealed pouch in a water bath that is guaranteed to create impressive results every time. The slow cooking feature allows hearty meals to be prepared with minimum effort, perfect for colder months. Whether you are cooking up a juicy roast chicken or a tender joint of beef, the temperature probe adds an additional layer of precision by allowing you to get it perfect every single time.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 19/03/2020.


Russell Hobbs Sous Vide Slow Cooker, worth £129.99 x2