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Win the Birth Recovery Duo from My Expert Midwife

Birth Recovery Duo

7 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

P Fuller, ST. HELENS

Birth Recovery Duo

F Aylett, PINNER

Birth Recovery Duo

M Cook, Chesterfield

Birth Recovery Duo

P Henderson, SEVENOAKS

Birth Recovery Duo


Birth Recovery Duo


Birth Recovery Duo

K Kitchen, PRESTON

Birth Recovery Duo

To celebrate the launch of Soak for Bits, the new arrival from My Expert Midwife, we have teamed up with the award-winning skincare brand for pregnancy, birth, new mums, and newborns to give 7 lucky readers the chance to win their very own Birth Recovery Duo.

The Birth Recovery Duo includes hospital bag must-haves, Soak for Bits and Spritz for Bits, which have been carefully developed by the team of expert midwives to help aid recovery after childbirth, when bruising, swelling and soreness of the perineum and surrounding area are common.

Combining carefully selected ingredients, such as Vitamin E, tea tree, witch hazel and lavender, the award-winning Spritz for Bits provides instant relief from discomfort and helps to protect and maintain the condition of the perineum after childbirth.

It is recommended for use alongside the latest addition to the range, Soak for Bits, a soothing bath soak made with premium Epsom Salts and expertly chosen essential oils, including tea tree, bergamot and calendula.

A must-have for those first few baths after baby is born, Soak for Bits is designed to clean, soothe and restore the perineum, rejuvenate tired and aching bodies, and provide new mums with much needed relief from perineal discomfort after birth.

The Birth Recovery Duo (RRP £44) is Available to buy from My Expert Midwife

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/01/2021.


Birth Recovery Duo x7