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Win a ColourMazing bundle!

ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Knowles, Bridgwater

ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale

B Riseborough,

ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale

J Holyland, BURRY PORT

ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale

J Richards, Chippenham

ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale

Introducing ColourMazing; the new, innovative and exciting way to colour in! Spread the ink, blend the colours seamlessly together and watch as the ink magically stops at the lines!


ColourMazing is the new and fun way for kids to colour! It’s simple to do; just gently squeeze your ColourMazing pen and watch the ink fill your page, but don’t worry, the ColourMazing card is designed so that you won’t go outside of the lines!


Celebrate all the colour and vibrance of the jungle with ColourMazing 3D Jungle Adventures (SSP £17.99).  Make a pop-up monkey scene, create a flying bird with wings that flap or make your own theatre show with finger puppets with this complete set!  You can even make your own beautiful jungle mobile to hang in your room too.  This set comes complete with four craft activities to decorate and make, as well as six magic ink pens.


Take ColourMazing wherever you go with the ColourMazing Creative Studio (SSP £19.99). With space to store all your colourful creations, as well as room to hold the six craft activities and six magic ink pens included, this study case means ColourMazing can go wherever the adventure takes you!


There are eight different ColourMazing kits to choose from including ColourMazing Fairy tale (SSP £9.99), ColourMazing 3D Garden Friends (SSP £17.99) and ColourMazing Adventure (SSP £9.99) meaning there’s a ColourMazing for every occasion!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/11/2019.


ColourMazing bundle - 3D Jungle Adventures, 3D Garden Friends, Creative Case, Adventure and Fairytale x4