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Win! Great new table games for Christmas!

LOGO Grab and Shout!

7 prizes to be won!

Ending in





New LOGO Grab (rrp £14.99) is an ultra-competitive new card and dice game which everyone in the family will love – as you all play at once! Be the first to collect two sets of three coloured cards, all bearing the names and images of well-known brands like Pot Noodle, MilkyBar, Dove Soap and the Volkswagen Beetle. You throw four dice at a time, but what makes this game mind-bendingly different is that here, it’s the dice you lunge for, not the cards! But if your dice jingles, sorry – that’s not Santa! You lose a card!

The fabulous new Shout! (rrp £29.99) team game is bursting with quirky questions and cunning picture puzzles where you have to look, link and think – making connections between what you see on the Challenge card and what the answers is likely to be. This super-exciting family game from those brilliant creative minds at Drumond Park is sure to provide plenty of uproarious fun for teams of family and friends aged around 12 to 99! There are 167 double-sided super-size cards in the box, each one featuring a set of nine Challenges on both sides (themed images, words, figures etc.) – that’s almost 3,000 challenges in all! For stockists visit

There are seven fabulous prizes to be won.

The prize is two great new family games from Drumond Park – LOGO Grab and Shout!

To be in the chance of winning answer the question on the right.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 30/11/2014.


LOGO Grab and Shout! x7